Telegram is now introducing a new feature that allows users to buy usernames on a specific platform known as Fragment, following the debut of a new ad-free Premium tier earlier this year. The most well-known and lucrative usernames are now available for purchase, according to a blog post by Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. He continued by saying that in the upcoming days, Telegram would also give the option to sell their current usernames on Fragment. Based on TON, a blockchain created by Telegram, Fragment is a free platform that enables users to exchange collectables like usernames with one another.

Here’s How To Purchase a Username on Telegram

Simply go to Fragment and conduct a search for the username you want to use to get started. The platform will display the item as sold, up for auction, or available, depending on its availability. If the username you want is up for bid, clicking on it will take you to a page where the highest bid, the minimum bid, and the bid step are displayed, along with the username. You may find the TON Web 3.0 address, Telegram username, and auction duration in the sections below. You can view the history of previous bids at the bottom of the page, along with the price, the bid’s submission date, and the TON address.

Fragment Currency

Keep in mind that Toncoin is the unique currency used by Fragment. You must either link your TON account to Fragment or make a new TON wallet in order to use the currency.

Placing Bids

Simply press the “Place bid” option and enter the desired amount to place your bid. You can only submit a bid if your account is linked to your TON wallet; otherwise, you must scan the QR code that appears and use Ton keeper to make the payment. The Toncoins you used for the auction will be automatically returned in the event that someone sets a higher bid than your offer. When a username is not included on Fragment, it signifies that it is already in use and has not yet been put up for sale.

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