WhatsApp and Telegram are two of the most used social media texting applications in India. Over 400 million Indians use WhatsApp, which is almost the same number of people as Jio has in its 4G network. The importance of these applications is out in the open as Jio’s network went down again yesterday. This wasn’t the first time it has happened. The telco’s network was down for almost eight hours on Saturday for the users living in the Mumbai region. Mind that there are more than a crore users in Mumbai who consume 4G network services from Reliance Jio. These users had to depend on broadband Wi-Fi for internet connectivity and applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram for voice calling.

WhatsApp, Telegram One of the Best Ways to Connect With People if There’s Internet

If a user is connected to the internet, WhatsApp and Telegram are one of the best ways to interact with other people. Even international calls made through these applications don’t attract any extra charges. In 2021, for a brief moment, all Meta (earlier Facebook) applications went down, which included apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram. This was a panic situation for many people who didn’t understand what was happening as WhatsApp is one of the most common applications in the smartphone of an Indian user. WhatsApp is the application that every age group, including teens, adults, and senior citizens, rely on to communicate online with their peers, colleagues, and family. But for users who didn’t have Wi-Fi connectivity or any other SIM, they couldn’t latch on to any network for the internet, which means that they had to wait for Jio’s network to start working yesterday. The hours that the network was down had made Twitter a stock platform for the users to share memes about the situation. With what happened yesterday in Mumbai, the relevance of WhatsApp and Telegram has increased, and more users might jump on to these platforms for communication.

Importance of WhatsApp  Telegram in the Open Post Jio s Network Went Down Again - 17