Netflix and Laal Singh Chaddha have been in huge discussion for the last few days. According to multiple reports, Netflix was the platform that Laal Singh Chaddha was going to be available on whenever it made its OTT (over-the-top) debut. But due to the high asking price from the production house, the deal with Netflix reportedly went down the gutter as the OTT giant wasn’t ready to agree to the terms and conditions put forth. Aamir Khan, the actor spearheading the movie, wanted Rs 150 crore from Netflix for streaming the title on its platform. Netflix, however, wasn’t impressed much with the market demand for the movie and was only ready to offer up to Rs 90 crore. Due to the differences, the deal was reportedly cancelled. However, now, according to a Bollywood Hungama report, Netflix and Aamir Khan have resumed conversations again. This time, they have managed to find a common ground to get the deal going. Netflix has a huge subscriber base globally, and since Laal Singh Chaddha is inspired by a global hit - Forrest Gump, it would only make sense for the Indian adaptation to also go on Netflix. Nothing official has been announced by Netflix yet. But, we could soon get to hear something from the parties involved, so keep following TelecomTalk.

Laal Singh Chaddha Might Score a Netflix Deal Afterall - 46