Apple is expected to launch the new MacBook Pro models in approximately 13 hours. The Cupertino tech giant might announce the M1 Pro and M1 Max silicon chipset in today’s event. It is different from the anticipation of the market. Until now, rumours have mentioned the upgraded M1 chipset as M1X. But this might not be the final name that Apple goes ahead with. Mark Gurman from Bloomberg shared that a Mac developer informed him about the two chipsets for the new MacBook Pros namely M1 Pro and the M1 Max. These are the names that are appearing in the app logs.

M1 Pro and M1 Max Chipsets for MacBook Pro to be Revealed Today

First of all, note that these names are not official yet and Apple might not go ahead with such confusing names for its chipsets. As for the differences between the two chipsets, the M1 Pro is assumed to come with a 16-core GPU while the M1 Max is expected to come with a 32-core GPU. Some of the reports are also claiming that the direct successor of the M1 chipset which is M2 will come with the new MacBook Air that is expected to launch in early 2022. The new chipsets from Apple are expected to be very powerful from its competitors. The MacBook Pro might be completely redesigned by Apple. It will be interesting to see if Apple comes out with new colours for the new MacBook Pros like it has done for the iMacs. The new MacBook Pro is expected to come with an upgraded display and also bring back the MagSafe charging technology. There could be a 1080p webcam at the front and the laptop might feature a 120Hz refresh rate display tech. If all of this is true, then Apple fans will finally get their much-awaited wish of seeing a new MacBook (redesigned).

MacBook Pro New Models Might be Powered by M1 Pro  M1 Max Chips - 69