Motorola has just launched one of its most affordable smartphones, the Moto G8 Power Lite. It is priced at Rs 8,999 only. Motorola has said that even though the device is cheap, there will be no compromises made on the quality of the device. The smartphone comes with an impressive battery size of 5000mAh and is designed to last more than two days in a single charge. Motorola has claimed that you can listen to songs for 100 hours and stream videos or movies for up to 19 hours. The Motorola Moto G8 Power Lite is made for people who want to save money and at the same time want a powerful device in their hands.

Motorola Moto G8 Power Lite Triple Camera System

The Moto G8 Power Lite comes with a triple camera system at the rear. The primary camera of the device has a 16MP lens paired with a 2MP depth sensor and a Macro Vision camera. With the Macro Vision camera, you can zoom up to 4x at a subject closer to you. The 2MP depth sensor works well with the 16MP primary lens in blurring out the background or the foreground of the subject.

Motorola Moto G8 Power Lite: Other Features

The company has claimed that the smartphone comes with an ultra-responsive performance. It is running with a 2.3Ghz octa-core processor (MediaTek Helio P35). The device has 4G of DDR3 RAM and will help you navigate through your device faster. It comes with 64GB internal storage and you can expand it to 256GB with the help of microSD card. Screen of the device is 6.5-inch long and comes with Max Vision HD+ display. It has an aspect ratio of 20:9 so you will enjoy your gaming experience on the device. There is a fingerprint reader at the back of the device. One of the coolest things about the device is that it has a water repellent design 4 at such a low price. The device is all set to go in sale in India from May 29 on Flipkart.

Moto G8 Power Lite Launches in India  5000mAh Battery  Triple Camera Setup at Rs 8 999 - 9