Netflix, one of the biggest over-the-top (OTT) content platforms in India and around the world, is offering the StreamFest for two more days. For the unaware, Netflix ran a special StreamFest event in India wherein the people living in the country could stream any content through the library of the OTT giant for free. It was exclusively for Indian people. The first StreamFest ran from December 5 to December 6, for two complete days. But now, the Netflix StreamFest has returned, and users can stream for free up till Friday morning. More details on the story ahead.

Netflix StreamFest Available Till December 11 Morning

The Netflix StreamFest is now available again for a 48 hour period. It has started from today, December 9, 9 AM and will be there till December 11, 8:59 AM. This StreamFest is also exclusively available for two more days. However, a thing worth noting here is that the users can only stream content in standard definition (SD) quality. There is nothing much to complain since it is completely free, but then again, Netflix is allowing users to be able to stream HD content as well. Some movies and series are available in HD for free; users just need to have a personal computer or a laptop for that. The Netflix Mobile App doesn’t support free HD content. The great thing about this StreamFest is that the streaming platform can be accessed via multiple devices such as gaming consoles, laptops, Smart TVs, Mobiles, and more.

How Can You Watch Free Content Via Netflix StreamFest?

If you want to watch Netflix StreamFest available right now for the next two days, just head over to this link - All you have to do after visiting the link is; enter your name, email address, and your phone number. You won’t be prompted to enter your credit card or debit card details at any stage of the streaming. Moreover, if you are using an email id which you have used before for Netflix, you can start right from where you left.

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