A few days back, OnePlus India had teased a new launch event, namely “More Power to You” for April 28, 2022. But the company hadn’t revealed the products it would be launching during the event. Many expected to see the OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5G launch along with an affordable TWS (truly wireless stereo) earphone. Now, OnePlus India has confirmed that it will launch two smartphones during the event - The onePlus 10R 5G and the OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5G. The company recently also announced that it would be launching the OnePlus Ace series device in China on April 21, 2022. The ‘Ace’ series is a new one from the company in terms of branding. But the device might not come to India as it is rumoured to be rebranded as the OnePlus 10R 5G for the Indian market.
OnePlus 10R 5G Might Feature MediaTek Dimensity 8100 SoC
OnePlus 10R 5G will come to India in two variants. The superior variant will come with support for 150W fast-charging, and the base variant will feature 80W fast-charging. The OnePlus 10R 5G might feature the MediaTek Dimensity 8100 SoC if it is the rebranded OnePlus Ace. OnePlus said that the OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5G would come with a massive 5000mAh battery and will feature 33W fast-charging technology. The company didn’t reveal anything else about the devices. Further, there was no mention of any TWS earphones; however, don’t rule them out this early. The launch of the OnePlus Ace might give us a big peek into how the OnePlus 10R 5G will look in India. It will be the first time that OnePlus will go with a MediaTek SoC in one of its flagship-level smartphones. It is interesting that OnePlus didn’t give the OnePlus 10 Pro 5G the support for 150W fast-charging but will bring it with the OnePlus 10R 5G.