OnePlus, a leading global smartphone brand, declared on Friday that it is prepared to give OnePlus users in India access to the developing technology of the 5G ecosystem. The producer announced that 5G will be supported on its newly released devices on qualified networks like Vi. The company said that it has been demonstrating industry leadership in 5G research and development and has been the first to market with 5G solutions for customers all around the world.

OnePlus Is Prepared for the Debut of 5G Technology

OnePlus was among the first to recognise the immense potential of 5G. In 2016, it started working on 5G research. OnePlus was among the first tech firms in the world to offer 5G connectivity to customers. OnePlus users will benefit from a seamless, quick internet experience with their 5G-ready devices as India moves closer to the rollout of 5G, according to Navnit Nakra, CEO of OnePlus India and head of the India region, in an interview with IANS. “OnePlus users will achieve much more from their daily use of smartphones than they ever imagined,” Nakra added. The OnePlus 8 series, which debuted in April 2020, marked the beginning of OnePlus’ first line-up of 5G smartphones in India. Since then, all OnePlus devices have supported 5G, including the brand’s most affordable model in India from the sub-Rs 20,000 pricing range, the OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5G, which retails for Rs 19,999, according to the company.

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