OnePlus has just launched the OnePlus Nord Watch for the Indian market. The company has already revealed a lot about this smartwatch, and this product will be an exciting new addition to the entire Nord product lineup. OnePlus has said that this smartwatch is made of waterproof and weatherproof material and can last up to 10 days on a single charge. Let’s just take a look at the complete specifications and price of the device.
OnePlus Nord Watch Specifications
OnePlus Nord Watch comes with a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with support for 60Hz refresh rate and HD resolution. The maximum brightness this smartwatch can support is 500nits. Users will have to download the app called N Health on their smartphones to pair it. The smartwatch is equipped with over 105 fitness modes and has support for SpO2 tracking, heart rate tracking, and more. To make it an even more lucrative option for women consumers, this smartwatch comes with a monthly menstrual cycle with a built-in algorithm. It is also waterproof and comes with IP68 certification. To match it with your style, users can download and change over 100 wallpapers through the N Health app. The OnePlus Nord Watch packs a 230mAh battery, and OnePlus claims that the device can last up to 10 days on a single charge. It also comes with support for Bluetooth 5.2 standard for connectivity. Now, let’s take a look at the price of the smartwatch.