Chinese smartphone brand, OnePlus, will soon set its foot in the wearables category. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau officially confirmed on Twitter that the OnePlus Watch is coming early next year. Last week, the OnePlus CEO in an interview said the OnePlus Watch has been in the works for a while, but the chief person did not reveal anything about the launch date of OnePlus Watch. Now, he officially confirmed the arrival of OnePlus Watch as ’early 2021’ to the public. We are expecting the OnePlus Watch to launch alongside the OnePlus 9 series in March next year. As for other details, the OnePlus Watch may not run Wear OS and might have a circular dial.
OnePlus Watch Confirmed: What to Expect
With the OnePlus Watch, the company will be joining its sister companies- Oppo, Realme and Vivo. The three other BBK Electronics companies entered the wearable market this year, whereas OnePlus will be entering the segment early next year. Unlike the Oppo Watch which sports a square-shaped dial, the OnePlus Watch will likely feature a circular dial. On December 1, Peta Lau took to Twitter asking the audience what the company should launch next. ‘We’ve made phone cases, headphones, even backpacks. So I want to ask: what’s your favourite accessory for OnePlus? And is there something you want to see that we haven’t done yet?’ he tweeted back then. Majority of his followers voted for a smartwatch. ‘Many of you said you wanted a watch, and as you might have heard over the weekend—we’re making one, to be released early next year. Wishes do come true,’ he tweeted today. Last week, OnePlus spoke with The Input regarding its upcoming smartwatch, saying that it is working closely with Google to improve Wear OS connectivity. However, the company later clarified that OnePlus Watch might not come with Wear OS. The company working with Google in improving Wear OS has no connection with the OnePlus Watch running Wear OS. This could mean the OnePlus Watch might run in-house smartwatch software. The Oppo Watch runs Wear OS and it is currently rated as the best smartwatch available for Android users. If OnePlus manages to solve the connectivity issue with Android and smartwatches, it could replicate the same success as it did in the smartphone industry a couple of years ago. The Apple Watch is the best smartwatch available, but Apple is yet to offer WatchOS support for Android users.