However, that’s about to change with the launch of ‘Oppo Store’ in India. The company has announced that the Oppo Store which is an ‘e-store’, will go live on May 7, 2021. It will contain all the favourite products of Oppo users and let them buy whatever they want through a simple click.
Oppo Store Will be Just Like OnePlus Store
Oppo Store is expected to be just like the OnePlus Store. The Oppo Store will bring all the latest offerings from the company under one platform. All the exciting offers launched by Oppo will also be shown on the e-store of the company. Another Chinese smartphone company, Poco doesn’t have a direct online sales channel in India. It sells its products through Flipkart. By selling directly to the customers, Oppo will be able to cut down on some of the costs and get better margins on its products online. This would also help the customers get in touch with the customer support team of the company faster. Oppo Store will be live soon and the company is already asking what the users expect from the store on its official India website.