Oppo, a major smartphone company is reportedly working on launching its own smartphone processor. Currently, Apple, Samsung and Google are the companies that offer smartphones with self-developed SoCs. But by 2024, we might see Oppo joining the league too. Major smartphone vendors including OnePlus, Vivo, and more currently depend on other semiconductor manufacturers such as Qualcomm and MediaTek for powering their smartphones. But with its own processor, Oppo will be able to cut short this dependency and will also be able to design smartphones better according to the demand of its own chip. Apple and Google are top examples of what a smartphone can deliver if it is powered by a chip that is designed by the smartphone company itself. Apart from a chip, Oppo is also reportedly working on an application processor (AP) that is expected to go live by 2023. For the unaware, the AP will be an integral part of the mobile processor and will be made on the 6nm fabrication process of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company).

Oppo Might be Planning the Chip for Low-End Smartphones at First

According to a report from ithome, the company might be looking to power its low-end smartphones with the self-developed mobile chipset. Thus, for the flagships, the company will still work with MediaTek and Qualcomm. Regardless, this is a step in the right direction from Oppo. The faster the company can develop its own chipsets, the more it can control the overall design of the smartphone and its cost. The company will join the league of Apple, Samsung and Google in developing its own chipsets. However, all of the other companies make very powerful chips that fit into their flagships. But with Oppo, self-designed chips for flagships might be a little far right now. After Oppo, we might see some other smartphone vendors also going on the same path. More should clear in due time.

Oppo to Launch Own Processor Like Samsung  Google and Apple - 28