The launch of 5G technology was given a deadline by the PTI administration in December 2022 for Pakistan. But afterwards, this deadline was changed to March 2023. Syed Aminul Haque, the minister of information technology and telecommunications, spoke at the Zong4G event recently to highlight the network’s current success and to recognise people who have made major efforts to achieve this goal. The government had intended to introduce 5G technology in Pakistan by March 2023, according to Haque, who spoke with the media during the ceremony. Due to Pakistan’s political unrest, this launch has been postponed by almost three months.

Government To Promote Accelerating the Use of 4G Technologies

As per Haque (via The Express Tribune), talks were held by the IT ministry to make sure Pakistan was ready for the introduction of 5G technology. Haque continued by mentioning that the administration is working to increase the adoption of 4G technology in the nation while discussing the readiness level. Thus according to Haque, the adoption of 4G technology is rising each month. Moreover, the IT minister claimed that the government had taken away obstacles to LC openness that local mobile phone makers had to work around. He added that he had discussed the problem with the finance ministry and had also asked the prime minister for help in order to tackle the withholding tax problem that cellular businesses were now facing. Haque, who spoke at the event, remarked that Zong had demonstrated exceptional perseverance and, in the face of hardship, exhibited great leadership in network repair in flood-affected areas. The technical staff should be applauded for the fantastic work they have done. The CEO of Zong, Wang Hua, stated that the company is incredibly proud of its technical staff that stayed alert, day and night, to repair connectivity in places that were fully submerged in floodwater and where the infrastructure was devastated. In under three weeks, their engineers were able to restore 99% of the CMPak network.

Pakistan 5G Launch Timeline Revealed  Much Behind India - 93