Xiaomi announced that the Redmi Note 10 series in India would come with a 108MP primary sensor on the back. The premium model in the series, aka the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max, will likely have a 108MP lens. Besides Xiaomi, Realme also confirmed that it is bringing a 108MP sensor smartphone to India and it could be the Realme 8 series. We must say Realme is on a roll at the moment. The Oppo spin-off company launched the Realme X7 series earlier this month, followed by the Realme Narzo 30 series this week. The company is already teasing the Realme 8 series launch in India. And yes, the Redmi Note 10 series and Realme 8 series will clash head-on next month. Chinese company Xiaomi will be launching the Redmi Note 10 range of devices on March 4 in India.
108MP Camera Phones to Launch Under Rs 20,000 Very Soon
The cheapest smartphone with a 108MP camera sensor in India is the Xiaomi Mi 10i. With the Redmi Note 10 series, the company may bring the 108MP camera tech to under Rs 20,000. The Redmi Note 10 Pro Max could be priced around the Rs 20,000 mark. Other phones- the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Redmi Note 10 are also expected to launch on March 4. Yesterday, a leaked live photo of Redmi Note 10 made all the headlines. The vanilla Note 10 might have a 48MP quad-camera setup on the back and a Full HD+ AMOLED display on the front. This is really exciting considering the presence of an AMOLED screen. So we can expect the entire range of Note 10 devices to have AMOLED screens, but the real question is the presence of a high refresh rate. Xiaomi is also expected to launch at least one device in the Redmi Note 10 series with 5G support, and again we are expecting it to be the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max. The Redmi Note 10 Pro might come with Snapdragon 732G chipset underneath, whereas the Note 10 Pro Max might have Snapdragon 768G SoC. Xiaomi confirmed that the entire Note 10 devices would have mid-premium Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. On the flip side, we have Realme which basically confirmed the key feature of its upcoming Realme 8 series. The Realme 8 Pro which is expected to be the premium model in the series will be donned with a 108MP primary lens on the rear side. Realme is expected to reveal the India launch date for the Realme 8 series later today. Both the Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro will likely offer 5G support.