PUBG Mobile a few days back made the announcement for the new era that is going to come to the game. The players got excited and assumed that with the 1.0 update which was announced in the live event held on August 24, 2020, the Erangel 2.0 will be introduced. While PUBG Mobile didn’t say anything about the Erangel 2.0 map, everyone knows that it is around the corner with the 1.0 update. The 1.0 update is said to bring a major improvement to the gameplay and graphics of the PUBG Mobile. But just a few hours back, the arrival of Erangel 2.0 was confirmed by PUBG Mobile’s Twitter handle.

PUBG Mobile 1.0 Update to Bring Erangel 2.0

PUBG Mobile is going to release the 1.0 update on September 8, 2020, and it will come with the Erangel 2.0 update. The Erangel 2.0 update is arguably the biggest update the game has got in its lifetime and the players are very excited to see what actually will come with it. For now, PUBG Mobile has revealed a few details about the new Erangel 2.0 map and how it will look like when you play it. From the teasers revealed by PUBG Mobile about Erangel 2.0, you can see how animations have been improved. The way people jump from the plane and then roll and land on the ground, everything has been updated to make the game feel more real. Another major update that you will see on the menu of the game is image-based lighting with spotlight projection to enhance the colour accuracy. The textures will be rendered physically by the game which will be more pleasant to see. One enhancement that is really attractive to see on the teaser released by PUBG Mobile on their Twitter handle is the reflection of the sun in the water. Players will also be able to play the game in 90fps support. Overall, PUBG Mobile has assured the players that they will be able to play the game in the same device in which they were playing earlier, but they will get a much better experience of the game on their devices. PUBG Mobile is also giving the players a chance to win 30,000 UC by sharing the screenshots and clips from their current Erangel gameplay. Rules of the community event can be accessed by the Reddit profile or the Twitter profile of PUBG Mobile.

PUBG Mobile 1 0 Update With Erangel 2 0 to Arrive on September 8 - 88