The CEO of Realme India has taken on Twitter to tease multiple information on upcoming Realme devices. Back in August, Realme had launched its first laptop – Realme Book in India which was made available in the Blue colour option. The company also released an enhanced version of the device recently that feature Intel H series processors. Now in the latest development, Realme India CEO, Madhav Sheth has teased a new colour option for Realme Book in India. In addition to this, the image shared by the executive also features a Realme 9i device when inspected carefully. This might hint towards an imminent launch of the device. The image shared by the CEO of Realme India doesn’t display the name of the device anywhere, however, it has been revealed by Realme Vietnam social media handle that the back of the design in the image is similar to the latest renders of Realme 9i and hence affirming the tease. In the shared image, Realme 9i is seen to be available in the blue colour option with a textured rear panel and a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. A triple rear camera setup can also be spotted on the back of the device with a LED flash. It is being speculated that the company might launch Realme 9i in the second half of January in India along with the new colour variant for Realme Book.

Specifications for Realme 9i

There have been multiple leaks in the past related to Realme 9i. It is expected that the device will come featuring a 6.6-inch FHD+ display with a 90Hz refresh rate along with a 90.8% screen-to-body ratio. The device is also expected to sport a 480nits brightness and a hole-punch cut out design at the front for the selfie camera. It is anticipated that the device will be operated on Android 12 OS with Realme UI custom skin out of the box. The storage specs on the handset are expected to include 6GB of RAM paired up with 128GB of onboard storage which will be expandable through an SD card. As far as the processor of the device is considered, Realme 9i is expected to be powered by Snapdragon 680 chipset combined with an Adreno 610 GPU for graphics. The device is rumoured to be backed by a 5000mAh battery and support 33W fast charging technology. The above-mentioned triple rear camera setup on the back of Realme 9i is expected to consist of a 50MP primary camera along with a 2MP depth sensor and a 2MP macro camera. The front of the handset will sport a 16MP selfie shooter.

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