Realme on Thursday announced the Realme Buds Q and Realme Adventurer Backpack through a virtual launch event. The company said that the newest addition to its smart earphone portfolio, the Realme Buds Q is designed by Jose Levy, co-designer of Hermes. The Realme Buds Q features 10mm large Bass Boost Driver with the company promising that the device would deliver total playback of 20 hours. Additionally, Realme also announced an Adventurer Backpack with 32 litres “super large capacity” with the bag having the ability to carry a 17-inch laptop.
Realme Unveils Realme Buds Q
Sreehari, product manager at Realme India said that the Buds Q is built keeping in mind the requirements of a “contemporary consumer.” The single bud of Buds Q weighs at 3.6 grams while the total package including the dual buds and the charging case weighs at 35.3 grams. The Buds Q is said to require a single charge per week on three hours of average use per day. Further, the Buds Q features touch controls including double tap to play and long press for end call. However, Realme said that the users can customize the touch controls through the Realme Link app. Realme said that the Buds Q features “super” low latency of 119ms while the device is rated IPX4 for water and sweat resistance. The company also promises Instant connection with other devices through Bluetooth 5.0.
Realme Launches Adventurer BackPack with Large Capacity
Realme also launched its Adventurer Backpack for “daily life” use cases. The bag features flip cover design and quick buckles at the front while the rear is extra padded with a multifunctional band. The company said that the Realme Adventurer Backpack features 650D high-density oxford cotton with IPX4 rating for water resistance. Realme said that the Adventurer Backpack can hold 20 books or a basketball. Further, the backpack is also said to be equipped with a trolley strap.