Reliance Jio recently brought a new Rs 259 prepaid plan for the users. This plan is a step-up over the Rs 239 plan already offered by the telco. With the Rs 259 prepaid plan, the telco wants to give users a complete 30 days validity option. Jio’s biggest competitor, Bharti Airtel, also offers a prepaid plan that costs almost the same amount of money as the Rs 259 plan of Jio. Airtel’s plan is slightly expensive, though, as it comes for Rs 265. Let’s see which plan is a better option for you and what shot of benefits they offer.

Reliance Jio Rs 259 Prepaid Plan

Reliance Jio offers its Rs 259 prepaid plan with complete 30 days of service validity. This is the unique thing about this plan. It was recently introduced by the telco, and it offers 1.5GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS/day, along with a free subscription to four Jio applications. Post the consumption of fair-usage-policy (FUP) data; the speed drops to 64 Kbps. Now let’s take a look at what Airtel is offering with the Rs 265 prepaid plan.

Bharti Airtel Rs 265 Prepaid Plan

The Rs 265 prepaid plan from Bharti Airtel costs a little more than Jio’s Rs 259 plan. With this plan from Airtel, users get 28 days of service validity along with 1GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS/day. There are Airtel Thanks benefits included as well. The speed of the internet drops to 64 Kbps with this plan, too, once the FUP data is consumed. So which plan is better for you? The answer is simple. If you are looking at these plans with the focus on who offers better benefits, Jio’s plan is better. However, it is also about the network experience. Whichever plan you choose, think about the connectivity you get from either of the operators in your area to ensure that you get the best value out of the money you spend on prepaid plans.

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