Reliance Jio yesterday announced its new postpaid plans which start from Rs 399. It is a good move by the telco since until now it only offered one postpaid plan to the customers. Jio has branded these postpaid plans under ‘JioPostpaid Plus’. There are five plans on offer from Reliance Jio under the postpaid category. So now not only in prepaid plans category, but Jio will also compete with others on the postpaid front. Both Vi and Airtel offer postpaid plans as well. It will be interesting to see how Jio’s plans fare against the plans on offer from both the telcos. Let’s do a detailed comparison of how postpaid plans from Jio, Airtel, and Vi differ from each other.
Reliance Jio vs Bharti Airtel vs Vi Postpaid Plans: Benefits
All the postpaid plans from Jio come with OTT benefits such as Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, Prime Video, JioTV and JioCinema and more. But it is the same with other telcos as well. Both Airtel and Vi offer customers OTT benefits with their postpaid plans as well. But Jio is the only one in the category to provide customers with the OTT benefit of Disney+ Hotstar. Do make a note that the Netflix subscription offered by Reliance Jio is ‘Netflix Mobile’ plan priced at Rs 199. Coming to the data rollover facility, all the telcos have provided their customers with this benefit. Along with that, if the customers want to go for a family postpaid plan, they can go with either of the telcos. Jio provides the family plan on its Rs 599, Rs 799, Rs 999, and Rs 1,499 plans. As for Airtel, it provides the family plan on its Rs 749, Rs 999, and Rs 1,599 plans. Vodafone also offers three family plans starting at Rs 598 plan and followed by Rs 749 and Rs 999 plans. The customers get unlimited voice calling with either of the telcos and with any of the plans they choose from along with unlimited SMS as well.
Reliance Jio vs Bharti Airtel vs Vi Postpaid Plans: Price
So there are postpaid plans which fall in the same price category of pricing by all the three telcos. Let’s compare the plans which come for the same price between two or three of the telcos. Jio and Vi both offer postpaid plans of Rs 399 and Jio offers more data with the plan than Vi. Then Bharti Airtel and Vi both offer postpaid plans for Rs 499 and they offer almost the same benefits except for minor differences. Jio offers a Rs 599 plan and Vi offers a Rs 598 plan. Both the plans also provide family connection options but Jio again offers more data. Again, both Airtel and Vi offer a Rs 749 postpaid plan with family connection options. The benefits are again almost similar. Then there is a plan which all of these telcos offer. It is the Rs 999 plan. Jio offers more data than any other telco including the rollover data. As for OTT benefits, Jio again falls ahead of both Airtel and Vi. All these three telcos offer family connections with this plan as well.