Telegram is one of WhatsApp’s biggest competitors, who also stole the limelight from the Facebook-owned application during its controversial privacy-related issues. With this, Telegram started to offer lots of features that made it better than WhatsApp, with the exception of one key feature. This feature is about group video calls feature, something that became quite popular over the course of 2020, with more people moving online. WhatsApp decided to increase the number of participants for these calls, whilst Zoom and Google Meet saw increased traffic. Now, it has been revealed that Telegram will soon be adding the Group video calls feature to the application, alongside support for web-based video conferencing, so you can make use of the feature on any device.

Telegram New Video Calling Feature

The announcement regarding this feature was made by the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, via a text message that he posted on his official Telegram channel, as was reported by TechCrunch. The report also mentions that Durov added to his text by saying that the company will be adding a video dimension to its voice chats in May, making the application a powerful platform for group video calls. Furthermore, he added that Screen sharing, desktop and tablet support and encryption would be added to the modern video conferencing tool but with Telegram-level UI, speed and encryption. There is also support for noise cancellation. As for the current situation, the app offers support for one-to-one video calls but only group voice chats. The report also noted that Durov’s post emphasised encryption, which might have been in a bid to throw shade at Zoom, which skyrocketed to popularity. It is not known, though, as to whether there will be end-to-end encryption. As for other Telegram related news, the company recently released its latest update that brings with it a new payment system, scheduled voice chats and two new web versions, which had gone live in April. Do note; this does not mean that the two new web versions, which have recently gone live, do not replace the pre-existing web version that was the first version from the company.

Telegram to Start Offering Group Video Calls From May - 9